Although the use of cloud computing has increased fivefold since 2014, only 20% of workloads are run in the public cloud. Because housing workloads in a cloud network provides location-independent […]
Author Archive | jperez
The Potential of Blockchain for IoT
Earlier last month, Zion Market Research estimated that the global blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) market will become a three billion dollar industry by 2025. Worth $32 million (USD) in […]
Hydrogen in a World of Renewable Energy
Although fossil fuels continue to be a major energy source, many countries are focusing on replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy resources. In order to meet emissions targets, governments are […]
Delivery with Autonomous Vehicles and Robots
By delivering your online purchases, autonomous vehicles and robots are changing how you receive your orders. It’s predicted that by 2024, the autonomous delivery robot marketplace will reach $34 billion […]
A Breach in Biometric Security
Security company Suprema recently discovered that its biometric security system is unencrypted and open to the public. This means millions of users’ personal information are easy targets for cyber attacks. […]
The Progression of 5G Network Connectivity
The fifth generation of wireless technology is here—although it’s not quite here. The top four major carriers in the U.S. have cities with some sort of 5G capabilities. While Verizon, […]