Semiconductors are the brains behind so many devices and processes that we take for granted today, from computers, smartphones, cars, programmable coffee makers, and washing machines to high-tech robotics, augmented […]
Archive | Machine Learning
Transformative Effect: AI in Semiconductor Design
Based on the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to automate repetitive tasks and process massive amounts of data, AI technology is revolutionizing many industries. Such industries range from healthcare and […]
The Power (and Pitfalls) of AI and Machine Learning
The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the hottest headlines, especially because of the promise it holds for revolutionizing so many industries and applications. Among them, AI […]
Improving Mental Health with Machine Learning
Technology has always presented numerous opportunities for improving and transforming healthcare. Such improvements include reducing human errors, improving clinical outcomes, facilitating care coordination, improving practice efficiencies, and tracking data over […]
HPE Releases New Platforms that Accelerate Machine Learning
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) recently announced the launch of innovative platforms that are expected to speed the development of machine learning models. The first, the HPE Machine Learning Development System, […]
Can This New Technique Reduce Bias In Machine Learning?
Machine learning is quickly becoming one of the most popular technologies that companies are investing in. Experts are growing increasingly worried that these models have a dangerous propensity for making […]
Survey: CTOs Predict Machine Learning Will Be the #1 Technology in Two to Four Years
Machine learning is becoming the most sought-after subset of artificial intelligence (AI). As InsideBigData reported, 68% of chief technical officers (CTOs) are now using machine learning at their organizations, according […]
Can Machine Learning Lead to New Discoveries in Math and Science?
Mysteries in math and science have puzzled human researchers for centuries. Now, a pair of recent studies suggest that machine learning could help them make breakthroughs much faster. A paper […]
Five Ways to Ensure Your Digital Transformation Is Successful
In less than a month, 2022 is expected to usher in new automation trends for the digital transformation era. According to Enterprise Talk, a few major trends to look out […]
New Method Could Help Machine Learning Models Make Better Decisions
Machine learning models often rely on the simple features of a dataset to make decisions. Known as “shortcuts,” these types of decisions can lead to serious errors. For example, these […]