Get Ethical Hacking training from IEEE. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Continuing and Professional Education courses are designed to help engineers stay up-to-date on the latest technologies. Produced and vetted by leading experts, you can count on IEEE Continuing Education courses to equip you with the information you need to stay current in your field.
Hacking Your Company: Ethical Solutions to Defeat Cyber Attacks
Aimed to assist businesses understand the weak points in their cyber security, Hacking Your Company: Ethical Solutions to Defeat Cyber Attacks is ideal for technical professionals across all industries who support their company's IT departments and require up-to-date information on how to use ethical hacking techniques to defend their networks.
These courses are intended for professionals in IT, computer science and related fields, including C-Suite executives who require working knowledge of ethical hacking to support department functions.
Gain insight into the field with eight courses in the following topics:
- Scanning
- Enumeration
- System Hacking
- Malware Fundamentals
- Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
- Session Hijacking
- SQL Injections
- Evasion Techniques
Upon successful completion of Hacking Your Company: Ethical Solutions to Defeat Cyber Attacks, your engineers will receive valuable CEUs/PDHs from IEEE that can be used to maintain engineering licenses.
Meet the Instructor
Instructor Sean Oriyano is a seasoned IT security professional and entrepreneur. Over the past 25 years, he has split his time between writing, researching, consulting and training various people and organizations on a wide range of topics relating to both IT and security. He is also a member of the State Guard as a Chief Warrant Officer specializing in infrastructure and security. Sean holds a number of certifications through FEMA, SGAUS, and COMPTIA.
Course Program Details: Learn the Techniques of Ethical Hacking
The Hacking Your Company: Ethical Solutions to Defeat Cyber Attacks online training program from IEEE includes the following courses to prepare your engineer to use the techniques of ethical hacking:
Scanning is a technique that allows for a deep dive into a system to seek out valuable data and services in an IP address range. This course investigates discusses how to locate ports and services, and how to find weak spots to enter a system.
This course reviews the concept of enumeration. Enumeration is the process of identifying resources on a network, and extracting information from a system.
System Hacking
System hacking is the method that hackers use to gain access to computers on a network. This course will cover the process of gaining access to a targeted system including password cracking, privilege escalation and malware detection.
Malware Fundamentals
This course takes an in-depth look at the nature of malware and its many different forms. Topics covered will include viruses, Trojans, rootkits, buffer overflows and other related forms of malware.
Denial of Service Attacks
This course identifies various motivations, attack patterns, and defenses to help protect against the risk of DoS. In this course, we explore the motivations, pattern and the many forms they can take against a target, including network level and application layer attacks.
Session Hijacking
Session hijacking can be characterized as one of the most sophisticated forms of attack. In this course we will learn how to target and take over an existing communication or session between two systems.
SQL Injections
SQL injections are a powerful, but complex attack that can be used to strike out at web applications and their databases. This course explores how an SQL attack could alter, steal, or remove data without necessarily “hacking” a target.
Evasion Techniques
Evasion in a network is the process of bypassing a security check in order to attack or exploit the network. In this course we discuss techniques used by hackers to evade detection by the target of an attack to help you recognize and react to evasions.