Another Year of Growth for the IEEE Learning Network (ILN)
Join the ILN anniversary celebration
IEEE fosters technical innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. One of our strategic goals is to be “a trusted source of educational services and resources to support life-long learning.” IEEE Educational Activities, along with its partners, is proud to celebrate the joint contributions to this goal with the anniversary of the IEEE Learning Network on 11 July 2021.
Special Offer:
We're celebrating this year's ILN anniversary with special offers on select courses. Use promo code ILNTWO21 at checkout to receive 20% any of the courses listed below.
Offer valid 11 July through 17 July 2021.
Implementing Digital Transformation: From Theory to Practice
AI Standards: Best Practices for Ethical Systems
Machine Learning Platforms, Technology, and Tools
Evolution of Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles
Introduction to Numerical Methods
ILN offers IEEE members and others in the engineering and technology community with access to continuing education from across IEEE, all in one place. This platform offers the latest in continuing education for engineers, technology professionals, students, and educators who want to advance professionally, refresh skills, or stay up-to-date with the latest trends.
Benefits include:
- - Access to on-demand courses and live virtual training
- - Discounts on select courses for IEEE members
- - Courses made and taught by in-demand industry experts
- - Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs) offered for many courses
Most recently with the global COVID-19 pandemic, ILN has served as a trusted resource for engineers and technical professionals working from home. With hundreds of courses from across IEEE, learners are able to advance their careers and refresh their skills in order to improve professionally during this challenging time.
Interested in hearing more about the ILN and other educational offerings? Sign up for the IEEE Educational Activities newsletter and the ILN Course Mailer Alerts.
Users have this to say about ILN:
Courses cover a wide variety of technical topics that IEEE Members are involved in.
Anis Ben Arfi, IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee Chair and IEEE Ottawa Section volunteer, recently completed an ILN course and stated that, “ILN is a great resource for research findings and informative professional development lectures. The educational material on ILN provides valuable content that I know will have a positive impact in the advancement of my career."
Other users have said:
“I enjoyed the high-level discussion with some material being more in-depth. I had to re-watch some portions several times which indicated there was a lot for me to learn.” - Graham Ardner on the course, Analog Digital Converter Design: Part 1
“The voice of the instructor was clear. The duration of the course was perfect. A few pictorial illustrations such as those depicting inter-vehicle spacing policy towards the start of the course helped to build interest in the topic and clarified the concepts” - Sudhanshu Janwadkar on the course, Enterprise Blockchain for the Internet of Things
“The ease of learning combined with the rich content all packed in a small session helped in better understanding the topic.” - Akash Hegde on the course, Cloud Security
Check out these interesting statistics about the IEEE Learning Network
- ILN is a testament to the strength of a collaborative process that continues to involve colleagues from across IEEE. Thank you to all who have contributed to its success!
Check out the ILN video here.
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Download marketing materials from the ILN toolkit.
To learn how your organizational unit can have its content discoverable on ILN, please contact us at iln-info@ieee.org.