The United Kingdom’s record-breaking temperatures this summer took down data centers belonging to Google and Oracle, disrupting a range of cloud services. However, those outages are just the latest in a long […]
Cloud technology is entering the era of the multi-cloud. When using multiple clouds supported by various cloud providers, organizations can reap the best features of each, thereby making their cloud […]
Demand for cloud computing is accelerating. In 2019, companies exceeded spending on in-house data center hardware and software for the first time. According to John Dinsdale, chief analyst at Synergy […]
By utilizing multi-cloud systems, organizations are able to run their systems and store data across various cloud providers. According to the IBM Institute for Business Value, 85% of companies are […]
Although the use of cloud computing has increased fivefold since 2014, only 20% of workloads are run in the public cloud. Because housing workloads in a cloud network provides location-independent […]