Although the use of cloud computing has increased fivefold since 2014, only 20% of workloads are run in the public cloud. Because housing workloads in a cloud network provides location-independent […]
Tag Archives | security
A Breach in Biometric Security
Security company Suprema recently discovered that its biometric security system is unencrypted and open to the public. This means millions of users’ personal information are easy targets for cyber attacks. […]
Securing the Smart Grid
Today’s modern smart grid connects a variety of distributed energy resource assets to the power grid. This creates a diverse and disparate system, which both individuals and power companies can […]
How Blockchain is Transforming the Supply Chain
As anyone responsible for supply chain management can tell you, the demand for accountability and tracking at every step of the supply chain just continues to grow. For example, consumers […]
Real-Life Use Cases for Edge Computing
Depending on how many of the 30 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices forecast for global deployment by 2020 rely on the cloud, managing the deluge of IoT-generated data makes […]
What Is Blockchain Bounce?
There is a veritably deafening buzz around blockchain at the moment as it’s the technology du jour. And rightfully so, as it ticks a lot of boxes: it’s decentralized, anonymous, […]
Is Blockchain the Solution to IoT Security?
Security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is an ongoing problem. The largely unregulated IoT market leaves plenty of room for device hacking. When considering applications such as smart homes […]