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Is Trump’s American AI Initiative Bold Enough?
Since entering office, President Trump’s administration has been continuously advised of the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) development. The President answered with an executive order signed in early February 2019, meant to spur the development and regulation of AI. There is worry that China, along ...

Can Blockchain Solve the Internet’s Privacy Problem?
Blockchain technology could allow people to take back control of their personal data. How secure do you feel about divulging private information online? If you’re like most, sharing that information can leave you feeling a bit unsettled. Especially in the wake of Facebook’s recent privacy ...

Global Smart Grid Projections for 2020
Smart grid is expanding globally due to the growing demand for technology changes, electricity, emission reduction, and policies. After all, to help sustain the economy and improve business performance, some form of electricity is needed. The government wants favorable conditions in the marketplace to improve ...

Robotics for Laundry, Lawn, and Socializing
Humans tend to have an irrational fear of artificial intelligence, particularly when it comes to robots taking over our lives. Unless we’re talking about robots that do household chores. Although the use of robots is limited to structured environments right now, the field of robotics ...

How to Benefit from the Cyber Security Staffing Shortage
We’re seeing a lull in major cyber attacks right now, but since they tend to come in waves, the next one could be just around the corner. In fact, 2019 can lead to an increase in attacks as companys become more digital, potentially leaving them ...

How the IoT Will Transform the Transportation Industry
Although transportation has already been affected by the Internet of Things (IoT), it’s really only at the beginning stages of transformation. The IoT has the potential to completely change the industry. Collecting and sharing data between devices to make decisions without human interaction is ...

What Is The Fourth Industrial Revolution?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is upon us, and experts predict more than seven million jobs will be affected in the next five years. Described as a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, its poised to significantly alter the ...

Verizon Successfully Tests Edge Computing on a Live 5G Network, Cuts Latency in Half
At Verizon’s newly formed 5G testbed in Houston, engineers recently performed a facial recognition test using a Multi-access Edge Compute (MEC) in the network facility with MEC platform software and using a centralized data center. They were able to successfully identify an individual twice as ...